ASUS L203MA-DS04 Ultra Thin and Light Laptop, Intel Celeron N4000 Processor (Turbo up to 2.6 GHz), 4GB LPDDR4 RAM, 32GB eMMC, 11.6" HD Display, Windows 10 HOME S. ASUS L203MA-DS04, Intel Celeron N4000 Processor, 4GB LPDDR4 RAM, 32GB eMMC, 11.6” HD Display, Windows 10 Home S
- Reviewed by Rowan (Reviewed in Canada on July 18, 2019)
Great deal would recommend!
So far very happy! Buy an external mouse the pad isn't super responsive but I don't use it much anyways it works when I need to print something off and didn't bring my mouse with me. I went for the higher gig and I wouldn't have done it any other way after reading through all the reviews online. I spent a great deal of time trying to find an affordable laptop that was actually a laptop and not a Chromebook as those do not run with windows10 and do not have the capabilities of a standard laptop depending on your needs after a very long time I decided on this and I am extremely happy so far that I did especially with the included windows 10 and office 360 I really don't know you can get a better deal than this just remember before buying the actual size of this laptop is very small so if you want something big this isn't your deal however its size makes it perfect for travel and lugging around! - Reviewed by Amazon Customer (Reviewed in Canada on May 4, 2019)
Small, Relatively Lightweight, Gets the Job Done. As Expected.
Overall this is what I wanted/needed. I was primarily looking for something small and lightweight that I can use to edit papers (grad student/copy editor). It isn't super fast or fancy but it works well, carries easy, and looks nice. The track pad isn't super responsive but that hasn't been too much of an issue because I use a mouse, but might be annoying for others. - Reviewed by Montrealer (Reviewed in Canada on August 21, 2019)
ASUS L203MA-DS04 + Office + Windows
ENGLISH: Be aware that the included Office is Office 365 Personal, meaning a subscription-based version, and they give you only one year free. But still, it might be worth it, because the subscription includes OneDrive storage and 60 min/month of Skype to P hone calling. By the way, the included Windows 10 is in S mode. But this is not really a problem, because when you try to install any 3rd-party software, you will see a screen asking you if you want to switch out of S mode. The switch is free.FRANÇAIS : Sachez que l'Office inclus est Office 365 Personnel, c'est-à-dire une version sur abonnement, et qu'il ne vous offre qu'un an gratuit. Mais ça peut quand même valoir le coup, car l'abonnement inclut du stockage OneDrive et 60 minutes/mois d'appels téléphoniques Skype. Par ailleurs, le Windows 10 inclus est en mode S. Mais ce n'est pas vraiment un problème, car lorsque vous essayez d'installer un logiciel tiers, vous verrez un écran vous demandant si vous voulez basculer hors du mode S. Le basculement est gratuit. - Reviewed by Vladimir (Reviewed in Canada on August 31, 2019)
Not bad for the price.
Bought this laptop mainly for school and for watching tv shows or youtube. Videos may lag o nce in a while because the processor is not too great.and 4 gigs of ram is not enough for chrome.Great laptop for web browsing, writing papers and some very low end games. - Reviewed by Francois (Reviewed in Canada on April 17, 2020)
Parfait pour Linux / Perfect for Linux
English follows------------------------------Le modèle reçu est L203MA-DS04. Processeur 2 cœurs max 2.6GHz avec GPU intégré 8GB, 4GB RAM, stockage 64GB eMMC, 2 ports USB3 + 1 port USB-C.Clavier ANGLAIS - Les touches françaises ne sont pas indiquées, donc à considérer si vous ne connaissez pas les combinaisons de touches par coeur pour les accents ou si c'est pour offrir à un enfant.Attention, les spécifications sont très minimales pour Windows 10 et la majorité des critiques négatives tiennent de cet aspect. C'est toutefois un excellent appareil pour la bureautique, navigation Internet et travaux scolaires des enfants.Je n'ai pas essayé Windows, j'ai immédiatem ent installé Linux à la place. Selon ma compréhension, le système d'origine est Windows 10 S, ne permettant d'installer que des applications signées par Microsoft, avec possibilité de passer à une licence Windows 10 Home gratuitement.Accès facile au BIOS avec F2 pour désactiver Secure Boot et démarrer sur clé USB. J'ai démarré sur un Live USB et fait une image intégrale (dd) sur une clé USB3 en environ 1 heure. J'ai essayé ElementaryOS et Xubuntu qui fonctionnaient parfaitement bien. Touches FN pour luminosité, volume, etc. fonctionnaient très bien.Tourne les vidéos YouTube 1080P sans problème grâce au GPU intégré au processeur. Diffusion sur Chromecast depuis le navigateur Chrome/Chromium. Qualité du son correcte, volume assez fort au maximum. Le trackpad n'est pas le meilleur mais fait le travail pour le prix et est aisément remplacé par une souris sans fils. Webcam SD (non HD), qualité très moyenne mais correcte pour une utilisation occasionnel le. Libreoffice et VLC tournent aussi parfaitement bien.Mise en garde: Installation de Linux relativement simple depuis un Live USB si vous en avez moindrement l'expérience. Toutefois soyez avisés que si vous n'avez pas les connaissances requises pour faire une copie intégrale du disque interne au préalable (ex: dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/cleusb/image.dd), l'opération est irréversible. Vous ne pourrez plus revenir à Windows par la suite et ce n'est pas couvert par la garantie du fabriquant.Si vous avez faite vos recherches et êtes conscients des limites de ce système avant de procéder à son achat, vous devriez en être pleinement satisfait.------------------------------The model I received is L203MA-DS04. 2-core CPU 2.6 GHz max with 8GB integrated GPU, 4GB RAM, 64GB eMMC storage, 2 USB3 ports + 1 USB-C.Keyboard is English only so keep that in mind if you needed French characters and don't know the proper key combinations by heart or you're buying for a French user.Tak e note that the specs are really minimalistic to run Windows 10 and most negative reviews about this laptop reflect that aspect.I didn't try Windows as I immediately installed Linux instead. From my understanding, the base system is Windows 10 S, which only allows to run software signed by Microsoft, although you are allowed to upgrade to Windows 10 Home for free.Easy access to the BIOS with F2 key to deactivate Secure Boot and boot from USB drive. I booted on a live USB and made a disc image (dd) on USB3 within about an hour. I tried ElementaryOS and Xubuntu, both ran exceptionally well. Function keys for brightness, volume, etc. were supported without any problems.I played YouTube videos on 1080P without any problem thanks to the CPU's integrated GPU. Using Chromecast from Chrome/Chromium was not a problem. Sound quality is ok and loud enough at max setting. Trackpad isn't the best of its kind but does the job for the price and is easily mitigated with a wireless mouse. We bcam is standard définition (non-HD) a quality was average but still ok for the occasional use. Libreoffice and VLC also ran without any issue.Please take note: installing Linux from a Live USB is relatively easy if you have experienced it before. However, if you don't have the knowledge to make a disc image of the entire drive beforehand (hint: dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/cleusb/image.dd), removing Windows will be irreversible. You won't be able to get it back and that's not the kind of situation that would be covered by the manufacturer's warranty.If you have done your research properly and are aware of its limitations before buying, you should be plenty satisfied. - Reviewed by Jean Philippe Frechette (Reviewed in Canada on January 12, 2020)
Very nice for the price
Extremely light and portable, fits great on airplane trays, fast enough to run chrome with multiple extension (4gb model). The keyboard is nice and does not flex like the other Asus 1 1.6 from the previous years. Love that it's using a micro SD and not a full size SD that stick out like every other laptop this size. Very lous speakers but no bass at all.The only downside is the screen viewing angle is quite bad and the battery is only good for 5 hours. Would love to see the same laptop with IPS display and 12 hours battery for 100$ more. USB C charging wouls also be great. - Reviewed by Gr3yce (Reviewed in Canada on October 24, 2019)
I'm loving it
This laptop is perfect. I have a hard drive and good monitor for home use and it's so lightweight and fast I'm really enjoying it. Obviously I chose the best of the options but I use my machines constantly and need then to handle and keep up and so far Asus has me impressed.